
The Hauppauge MediaMVP is a small box that can play MPEG2 content directly to a TV Set from an ethernet connection.

Why this project is here

The hauppauge applications are 1) Windows only, 2) Not that good, 3) closed source.

There are other projects supporting the MVP. vdr is a linux PVR project, and vdr-mediamvp supports it... but... it's all in C and that's a bit stone knives & bearskins for my taste (I'm long past wanting to write my own graphics library).

gbpvr supports the MVP rather nicely, but it is closed-source. It doesn't have support for switching between NTSC and PAL which is important to me.

Other nice PVR projects don't support the MVP, mainly because the people doing them probably don't have one.

So :-

What this project provides:

Current Status

This library is a fair bit away from being finished, but here is an early release to get you going!
Note: I am using the very latest hauppauge beta software to boot my MVP - I know there has been a change with video settings from previous versions that might mean that you can't change video mode successfully if you haven't upgraded.
Note: Get a Win32 MPlayer distribution in order to do transcoding.
Revision 0.1
Really early version! We can just about play a video. No stop, fast forward or pause yet!! GUI interfacing isn't perfect; you must Get and Relase a graphics item (the release triggering the refresh) - it should really work like VNC - I.E. your app doesn't have to know about it, but it seems expensive calculating if a screen has changed, and my attempts at multithreading the Bitmap() class didn't seem to work (obscure SHSException errors).


Sourceforge project page for downloads & CVS Access


Will this work on Mono?

Probably - Haven't tried. I certainly aim for it to be able to run on mono, but my development environment is Windows. Hopefully once it stabilises a bit some testing can be done.

Could this be used to get me MVP support in [insert application]

I hope so - unless it's not GPL compatible of course (see license).


This project uses the media-mvp library to work out how to do the actual device talking. As such the credit for doing the donkeywork of reverse-engineering it lies with Dominic Morris and his project.


This library is licensed under the GPL.
It is NOT licensed under the LGPL.
That means it is not usable in closed-source applications, either in source, binary or plugin format.
The reason for this is that I have gone through about 3 PVR applications that have been 99% perfect and been utterly frustrated in getting minor things fixed that I could have done myself if it wasn't that the source wasn't available.